
Why Facial Treatments are a MUST during the Winter

Winter is upon us and you know what that means – dry and irritated skin! With a change in seasons, comes a change in how our skin looks and feels. Both the cold winter air outside and the warm air inside from heating systems sucks the moisture out of your skin, leaving it irritated, scaly, and dry. Fortunately, with the right facial treatment, your skin can feel rejuvenated and regain its healthy summer glow throughout the winter.

So how does a facial work and what are the benefits during the winter months?

A facial works to counteract the harsh effects of winter on your skin by resetting your skin through deep cleansing, restoring the moisture, and a vitamin & antioxidant infusion.



During the winter, our skin cells tend to turn over more slowly as the colder air contains less humidity which speeds up the drying out process of our skin. These flakes of dead skin cells can accumulate on the skin's surface, clogging pores and keeping dirt underneath leading to blemishes. Deep pore cleansing including a facial massage and facial mask can help to strip the dead skin cells to revitalize dull winter skin and brighten your complexion.



The dry air and cold wind during the winter are culprits for sucking out your skins hydration and leaving it dry and flaky. Your facial skin cells require deep hydration from the outside that a facial treatment can provide which will help to soothe and restore the moisture in your skin cells.



Not only do facials deep cleanse and moisturize your skin but they can also provide your skin with some well-needed nourishment during the winter to boost your natural glow. Many facial treatments seal in a layer of antioxidants and vitamins. This nutrient-rich blend not only helps to protect your skin from the harsh winter elements, but it also aids in reversing sun damage, reducing inflammation, and improving cell circulation which encourages the growth of new skin cells.


Give your skin some much needed TLC and consider adding a monthly spa facial to your winter routine – you won’t regret it and your skin will thank you greatly!